discovery of electron
charge to mass ratio of electron
charge on the electron
discovery of protons and neutrons
atomic models
thomson model of atom
rutherford’s nuclear model of atom
atomic number and mass number
isobars and isotopes
drawbacks of rutherford model
wave nature of electromagnetic radiations
developments leading to the bohr's model of atom - wave nature of electromagnetic radiations
developments leading to the bohr's model of atom - particle nature of electromagnetic radiation: planck’s quantum theory
developments leading to the bohr's model of atom - photoelectric effect
developments leading to the bohr's model of atom - dual behaviour of electromagnetic radiation
developments leading to the bohr's model of atom - problem
developments leading to the bohr's model of atom - evidence for the quantized electronic energy levels: atomic spectra
evidence for the quantized electronic energy levels: atomic spectra
bohr's model for hydrogen atom
towards quantum mechanical model of the atom
quantum mechanical model of atom
quantum mechanical model of atom - hydrogen atom and the schrödinger equation
quantum mechanical model of atom - orbitals and quantum numbers
quantum mechanical model of atom - shapes of atomic orbitals
quantum mechanical model of atom - energies of orbitals
quantum mechanical model of atom - filling of orbitals in atom
quantum mechanical model of atom - electronic configuration of atoms
causes of stability of completely filled and half-filled subshells
ncert exercise
previous year question
most challenging questions
ncert examplar
jee mains
numerical questions
assertion and reason